

“Disheartened by the saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions” (Mark 10:22).

Andy Andrews, in his novel The Noticer:  Sometimes, All a Person Needs is a Little Perspective, introduces us to Jones, an older man of indeterminate age, who pops up and into the lives of people in a southern beach community, dispensing “perspectives” on their life situations, providing each of them with hope and new directions.  It is a feel good book, with each scene presenting a story with two futures:  one future, offered by Jones, points towards new beginnings and prosperity of spirit; the other future is a continuation of the protagonist’s current attitude and situation that are leading to darkness and sorrow.

I enjoyed the hopefulness of the book; all who received Jones’ advice were changed.  But I could not help thinking that in real life Jones’ batting average would be much, much lower.  Can’t we all think of times when we ignored good advice?  What springs to your mind when I say any of the following words:  diet, exercise, relationships, financial stewardship, pride, envy, integrity, and patience?  Can’t we all say, as Pogo (Walt Kelly’s cartoon character) said, “We have met the enemy, and he is us?”

Stubbornness is part of the human condition, as is an aversion to change.  We are quick to see the need of others to change, and slow to see such needs in ourselves.

Sometimes our refusal to change has eternal consequences.  Consider the encounter between Jesus and the rich young ruler.  The account in Mark reveals the young man was desperate to meet Jesus (he literally ran to Jesus, falling at his feet).  His need was urgent; eternity was on his mind as he asked, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?”

Imagine his disappointment when Jesus told him what he already believed:  follow the commandments.  You see, he had already done that, and it hadn’t worked for him any more than it works for us.  Besides, his heart had betrayed him that he had not truly kept the commandments because his doubts—his sadness, persisted.  Jesus, loving him, offered him the truth saying, “One thing you lack… come, follow me” (Mark 10:21).

But all the ruler heard, all that he focused on, was, “sell everything and give to the poor.”  And since he had much, and was a slave to it, he departed sorrowful and without the very thing he was seeking.

God does not always confront us with eternity; sometimes our refusal to take good advice just robs us of God’s best.  Jesus says to us “follow me.”  It is very good advice, and to follow Him is to obey Him.  Jesus said, “Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me” (John 14:21a).  He also said, ”Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock” (Matthew 7:24).  Ignoring Jesus’ words is unwise, like building a house on sand.

Sometimes I live on beachfront property—a nice, wide, sandy beach.

One morning, out of nowhere, my mind quoted “let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely” (Hebrews 12:1b).  Sin is disobedience to God.  George Carlin made a comedy routine about people’s “stuff,” making fun of what we so often value that is value-less to everyone else. Some sin is like that—it becomes so comfy-cozy it clings to us like a soft blanket.  Here are three examples of sin that we refuse to shed in sheer disobedience to Scripture.

  1.  Anxiety.  Jesus said, “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on” (Matthew 6:25a).  Jesus’ bold statement was based upon the Father’s love for His children as well as the Father’s supreme power over all of His creation.  Paul said, “If God is for us, who can be against us?”  (Romans 8:31).  Anxiety is a natural human emotion and can serve a good purpose, but to be in a constant state of anxiety demonstrates a lack of faith in God.  Only God has the power and authority to deal with whatever is creating our anxiety, and only God is good enough to do so.
  2. Gratitude in all circumstances.  Attached to the admonishment of “being anxious for nothing,” Paul said, “but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, make your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6).  Did you ever hear the joke about the person who prayed for patience and got more problems in order to gain the perspective needed to demonstrate a patient attitude?  Sort of a spiritual “Murphy’s Law.”  We are not wired to be thankful for difficulties—yet the Scripture is clear on this point.  A grateful heart is open to receiving words of healing and grace, open to possibilities, and aware of God’s goodness.
  3. Unforgiving spirit.   I’m not being the one to throw the first stone here, but didn’t Jesus command us to “forgive others as we have been forgiven?”  Read Matthew 18:21-35 to hear Jesus’ warning against an unforgiving spirit.  Unforgiveness punishes only you.

Not all advice is good advice, unless it comes from God.  Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).  Offer to God your willing spirit of obedience, even in the little things—the sins that cling so close—and enter into His rest.

Do the Work

Do the Work

“You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways” (Psalm 139:3).

We had just finished dinner at Mama Melrose (Walt Disney World Hollywood Studios) and were on our way to the Toy Story ride when a woman noticed her child had wandered off.  She was shouting his name and frantically running around searching for him.  We and others joined in the search, looking in shop windows and around corners.  Suddenly, he was found!  The woman broke into tears, embracing him.  Tears came to my eyes too, because only a few days earlier, Melody, my nine year old daughter with Down’s syndrome had lost herself in the crowd at Animal Kingdom leaving us momentarily in similar panic before we located her.

Ever want to get lost?

In my twenties I read Rabbit, Run, by John Updike, and considered for the first time what happens when a person just can’t take it anymore and gets in the car and just keeps driving.  I remember thinking, “How could he just go?”  Yet, go he did.

My business has been so tough lately that I have found myself wishing I could get lost, and Rabbit Angstrom comes to mind.  Whether wistful, wishful, or rueful, I am resolved to stay put because that is my character.  It has not always been so with me, but it is now.

Novels let us try on a different personality, but God empowers us to overcome, letting life circumstances refine our character and our hope and our trust.

Oswald Chambers’ devotional, My Utmost for His Highest taught me that God views the trials of our lives differently than we do.  We want to win, whatever that is, and we want victory now.  God wants us to become the people He created us to be, and circumstances are tools to accomplish that.  We are keeping score of a game God is not playing.

Joshua was a remarkable figure in the Old Testament.  An aide to Moses, he was chosen by God to complete the mission Moses began of bringing the Israelites into the Promised Land.  In the opening chapter of the book that bears his name, God encourages Joshua to be strong and courageous four times, admonishing Joshua to follow all that God commanded in the course of his work in leading the people.

God’s encouragement was needed because Joshua had been there when the people refused to enter the Promised Land the first time, leading to forty years of wandering in the desert.  Joshua had heard their grumbling against Moses; he knew the people of Israel were fickle.  On the other hand, he also had come to know God.  Joshua resolved to do what God asked; that was enough and all that God required.

God called Joshua to play a part in His story of the redemption of the world.  Along the way people behaved badly; but God always proved Himself to be true.  Coming to believe that God is a rock, a sure foundation upon which to build our lives requires our enduring trials as well as prosperity.

We can learn a lot from Joshua when we face times of difficulty for which our hearts do not betray us—times of trial yet we believe we are not being bull-headed or defiant against God.  Here are five things Joshua teaches us:

  1. Do not procrastinate.  Joshua immediately began the work; he put his best foot forward.  God’s instruction was pretty clear:  “Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them—to the Israelites.  I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses” (Joshua 1:2b-3).  Immediately upon hearing the instruction, he readied the people to go (Joshua 1:10-11).
  2. Remain close to God.  Joshua stayed close to God as the work progressed.  Through prayer and study, giving careful attention to what God had commanded, Joshua worked within the plan and framework established by God.
  3. Hold on to faith.  Not all of the Israelite endeavors went as the people had hoped, but Joshua kept his faith that God would be faithful.  Victory led to faith, but so did set-backs.  Joshua’s life is a testament of the power of faith.
  4. Do the work and leave outcomes to God.  Paul said, “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13b-14).  The only outcome that matters is running the race to please God.
  5. Build a legacy for others.  Joshua’s words, “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…but as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD” (Joshua 24:15) still echo down the centuries to us.

As I was taking a walk a few days ago, pondering again the troubles besetting my business, this thought suddenly struck:  God knows right where I am, spatially, physically, and emotionally.  The thought brought peace, and I whispered as the psalmist did, “this knowledge is too great for me.”  Renewed in confidence, this thought came:  each step I am taking in His will is a step towards home.  I’m not lost, and my journey has great purpose to my Creator.

From Strength to Strength

From Strength to Strength

“Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.  As they pass through the valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools.  They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion” (Psalm 84:5-7).

For me, the month of May is a month filled with momentum.  Winter has fully lost its grasp, spring is in full bloom, and May brings a promise of success to businesses and relationships.  After all, didn’t we as children learn that April showers bring May flowers?  And as early as 1600, Thomas Decker’s poem, “The Merry Month of May,” gave us a phrase that still encourages us to look forward to a month of good tidings. 

In fact, May is chock-full of holidays and festivals that are upbeat, optimistic and fun.  Here are just a few of them:

  • The Kentucky Derby (first Saturday in May)
  • The Indianapolis 500
  • The Daytona 500
  • Mother’s Day
  • Cinco de Mayo
  • American Bike month
  • National Bar-B-Que month
  • National Strawberry month

 Psalm 84 has a month of May feel to me.  The author, cognizant that God refreshes everything, is filled with awe and respect, and acknowledges that nothing is as significant as spending time with God, residing under His care and protection.  Even though the earth and its pleasures offer many delights, the author affirms only the Lord is permanent and trustworthy.  The psalmist desires to pursue the Lord and appropriate his message into his life.  The result:  barren places will be made to feel like springtime; strength will be granted for the pilgrim’s journey.

A “pilgrimage” is a journey to a religious place or a place with significance to the pilgrim.  The implication is the journey will be long and difficult.  The effort and diligence required to reach the goal often make the journey and its relevance take on deeper meaning.  Lately, I have come to think of my years as a business leader as a pilgrimage.  Looking back across the years in retrospection, I see goals, dreams, or desires, once pursued by diligent and purposeful activities, differently than before.  Leadership and the journey have given me perspective.

Last Thursday, I received an unexpected call from a Christian organization (Cursillo) that, among other things, sponsors Christian retreats, and a spiritual weekend was to begin that evening.  I attended as a pilgrim in 2007, and have returned to serve on staff four other times.  One of the staff members for the retreat (the piano player) had gotten sick and a replacement was needed (I have served as piano player on three different occasions).  I was able to rearrange my schedule and agreed to serve as the replacement.  But when I arrived, the staff member who had been sick had made a full recovery and I was no longer needed as the piano player.  Nonetheless, the team allowed me to stay on and pitch in wherever an extra set of hands were needed to serve the arriving pilgrims.  I admit I was puzzled Thursday and Friday about what God was up to since I was really not needed at the event, but on Saturday night, I found out.

Each weekend provides an opportunity on Saturday evening for the pilgrims and the staff to spend a quiet time of reflection with God in the Sanctuary.  However, the piano player continues to work offering background music that helps set the atmosphere for reflection and meditation.  No longer the piano player, the quiet time was afforded to me, and it was remarkable.  I have not had this opportunity since 2009, and the time was a gift from God.

There is a lot going on in my business.  The first quarter of 2014 was extremely difficult due to harsh winter weather.  Our initiatives in Texas are bearing fruit, but the effort is strenuous and slow slogging.  Uncertainty is taxing on morale—mine included.  For a few months the story of Elijah, fleeing from Jezebel to the mountain of God has been on my mind.  I have even whispered “What are you doing here, Elijah?” (1 Kings 19:13b) to myself as I walk in the morning.  Elijah had his time in the cave with God; I had my evening at Cursillo in the Sanctuary.  Refreshed, I am going on “from strength to strength.”

The month of May provides an excellent opportunity to instill a spirit of optimism by building on the natural experience of renewal and life that spring restores.  All that you have done in the first four months—accomplishments and set-backs—provide the necessary raw ingredients to inspire, invigorate, challenge, and motivate yourself and others to strive for hoped-for outcomes in the months ahead.  May is a pivotal month to restore confidence and make necessary corrections in actions and expectations.

I pray that God whispers hope and renewal to your spirit so that you are refreshed for your journey, and that you use your strength to encourage and strengthen others.  Times of difficulty will give way to better times; times of peace will move into times of unease or discord.  But our God is above all time.  He is never uncertain and always seeks after the good of those who love Him.

As we enter the month of May, contemplate for yourself the phrase, “they go from strength to strength.”  What would it be like to know with certainty that each obstacle, each problem, each opportunity, can be encountered with the assurance of strength sufficient to overcome?

Cry Out!

Cry Out!

“A voice says, ‘Cry out.’  And I said, ‘What shall I cry?’  ‘All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field’” (Isaiah 40:6).

Have you watched the television show “Storage Wars?”  Episodes chronicle auctions of abandoned property in storage lockers to buyers who sift through the contents searching for treasure.  Each week someone discovers great value in a purchased locker, but why unknown former owners would abandon property of value is never presented.  I suppose the question goes unasked because the answer would point to misfortune befalling the original owner, unsettling a national television audience.

My business uses rented storage lockers and this past summer I spent two days in the August heat searching for records to satisfy the inquiries of a sales tax auditor.  (We may in fact abandon these lockers someday, but they will not yield any treasures.)  Wheezing around in the locker reminded me of the last time I cleaned our attic—something else I do not like to do.  It’s dusty work, slow and tedious, and the search for value, let alone “memories,” is inconsistent.

My parents died almost twenty years ago, but I still recall sorting through their lives as collected in their “attic.”  The evidence portrayed lives lived on an ordinary stage; if my parents had unrealized hopes and dreams, the fragments they left behind did not disclose them.  In another generation no one will remember them in any meaningful way; of my children, only my son knew and loved my parents and although he carries their memories forward, whatever imprint of my parent’s lives to exist in the lives of my daughters now rests only in how their lives resonate in me.

Fleeing more swiftly than our precious lives are our livelihoods.  Thirty years ago, employed as a CPA, I enjoyed my work and believed it had “value,” yet I metaphysically wondered was there really a purpose in it.  Who would care years down the road about the work the firm was doing?  Since the firm’s policy was to destroy audit work papers after passage of a statutory time, I was sadly and completely aware that even the physical evidence of my work would not last long.

Perhaps the author of Ecclesiastes had similar feelings in mind when he said, “Meaningless!  Meaningless!  Utterly meaningless!  Everything is Meaningless” (Ecclesiastes 1:2).

I read an article on the internet about a promising test that might detect Alzheimer’s disease many years in advance.  The author speculated if such knowledge would be of interest to anyone.  I know my answer:  no.  Adding the certainty of loss of mental acuity to a life’s accomplishments that are already specious seems to be insult to injury.

Five occupations later I still wonder if those who followed after me in my former jobs cared one hoot about the work I did.

Are we not all mere storage lockers whose contents will be claimed by others after we are gone?

God put the thought and desire of eternity into our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11) in spite of our knowledge that death is inevitable and generally a surprise visitor.  The thought of eternity is one of God’s greatest blessings, spurring us on to pursue hopes and dreams that fatalism would destroy.  And since God is the author of “us,” pursuing our talents, hopes, and dreams is godly, worthy of God’s blessings even though we all know in the end what we have done in our life will not matter much to others.

But here’s the even greater blessing:  we matter to God in ways unmeasured by our work and achievements.

I learned the other night that a boy in our area committed suicide.  He was in high school.  All I could think of was “for God’s sake, why?”  Even now the news confronts me almost physically.  In our Bible study group that night we discussed how God alone gives meaning to each of us and lamented that too little knowledge of God bars hurting people from solace and healing.  Don’t miss those few words, “too little knowledge.”  The God who saves us and who changes lives is won on faith to be sure, but gaining insight into our worth and precious beauty that work together to stay our hands from harm or pushes them out to others in love in hopes of reeling them in takes effort born of desire to know a God who would die for us.

God loved that young boy.  God sees our hidden value—our value we think lost to misfortune or neglect and soon to become the profit of others, or “moth or rust.”  Such knowledge is life changing and life saving.

Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches.  If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

Too many times I sit on my hands and choose not to speak of my Savior’s love.  I don’t mean here, on a written page that some few people will read.  And I don’t mean at church, either.  No, I mean in the everyday walk of life where people interact with me filling their attics with mere existence while I do the same.  Attic, after attic, after attic.

Yet God is always with me.  Always.  Dear God, loosen my lips to speak of your glory to others.

My friends in Christ, what we do matters to God.  We matter to God.

Big bangs and small whispers

Big bangs and small whispers

“Where is the wise man?  Where is the scholar?  Where is the philosopher of this age?” (1 Corinthians 1:20a).

I am not young, but I have a young family, and family vacations revolve around my four daughters’ interests.  In August, we rode “the City of New Orleans” to Chicago and toured some museums, and we have just returned from eight wonderful days at Walt Disney World.  Rattling around in first one roller coaster and then another I discovered my error in thinking daughters would be different than my son who has a taste for all things fast and furious.  Proving the law of diminishing returns, one night at WDW, my daughters debated where we might go “next time.”  Ignoring my wife’s observation that I am a home body, the girls were of one accord we must visit “another country.”  Since I am a home body, no final decision was reached, but Germany is now a front runner.

Yet later that I night it occurred to me I am already a stranger in a strange land, the root cause:  public affirmations of God and His glory are now verboten.  I have witnessed amazing technological advancements (man on the moon, microwaves, Silicon Valley, and intelligently designed and fuel efficient cars and light bulbs), and also the systematic removal of God from everything except church and an occasional movie.

This change has taken years; its pace slow but inexorable—so slow we don’t need seatbelts.  Yet sometimes, I am jarred by how far apart the world view and my personal beliefs are from each other.  My last two vacations bare witness to that separation.

In Chicago at the Field Museum, hundreds of animal species are stuffed and on display (apparently collected before killing animals for sport went out of fashion), yet not one placard, not one display, attributes glory to God for His handiwork.  The theory of evolution is alive and well, however.

I wasn’t surprised that the Field Museum reports evolution and is silent about creation.  Although some school systems teach Creation alongside evolution, America is resolute in its educational system that evolution is no longer even a “theory.”

Shortly before we left for WDW, I read an account of a debate between Dr. Kenneth Ham (Creation Museum) and Bill Nye (the Science Guy) about creationism and evolution.  The article was slanted entirely towards evolution and it reminded me of our visit to the Field Museum.  A few days later I was surprised to see a rebroadcast of the debate in its entirety on CSPAN, and was encouraged by the boldness and cogent conversation Dr. Ham offered.  With this fresh in my mind, we drove to WDW.

My daughters had prepared “bucket lists” of things they wanted to see and do; at Animal Kingdom, the Dinosaur attraction was near the top of the list.  Waiting in line, I was struck by the mural on the wall that asked the question, “What caused the dinosaurs to become extinct?”  The Flood was not among the theories offered.  Then I heard Bill Nye over the audio system explaining the accepted theories and knew why a Flood conversation was not to be.

The human condition desires to make sense of our world and ourselves as sentient beings.  Why am I here and does my life really matter are questions of everyone.  But the bedrock question that precedes these is how did “we” come to be at all?

Evolution believes chance is at work; although the progression since chance first occurred seems to follow “laws” that are discoverable (go figure how that works when you are next at the Roulette Wheel).  Creation says God is at work.  These two different starting points lead to remarkably different philosophies about life and its meaning.  On the one hand “chance” yields randomness, uncertainty, chaos, and injustice, but God offers us a plan, a purpose, justice, and order.

Some Christians believe debating the merits of Creation and evolution are quibbling over details that are unimportant.  They point to Christ and say knowledge of Him is all we should be worried about.  After all, we weren’t there when God created everything, so we really don’t know what happened.  We believe God is behind it all anyway, so who cares if He used evolution?  

Bill Nye, in the debate, made a similar appeal, arguing that many people of various religions also see the truth of evolution.  Perhaps the “religious” should pause upon hearing such an assertion from an atheist.  The Bible states very clearly that God is Creator and nothing in the Scriptures gives any credence to His using evolution to do the work.  If the Bible is inaccurate with respect to Creation (“In the beginning God”), can any of it be trustworthy?

How does anyone build a life of faith in God if His word is doubtful?  Creation, Adam and Eve and the Fall; sin and the consequences of sin (death); Noah and the Flood; Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; Moses, the deliverance from Egypt, and the Ten Commandments; Jesus’ virgin birth, miracles, crucifixion, and resurrection from the dead; our need for a Savior because we, like Adam and Eve, are fallen and sinful and deeply troubled:  are these truths or fiction?  Is God’s message a smorgasbord we can pick and choose from?

In a few weeks we will celebrate Easter, the day that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead.  That day is foundational to everything we believe as Christians, and it is a miracle unlike anything in history.   The next time you bump up against the theory of evolution and wonder how it relates to the biblical account of creation, take a different paradigm to reflect upon its true message.  Rather than start at a big bang, start at the empty tomb and work backwards to God’s Spirit hovering over the waters.  What truly is beyond our God’s power?  Can you not sense His love and His purpose for His Creation?


If you have an interest in learning more about creationism and arguments against evolution, there are a number of books on the subject.  One I recommend is by Walt Brown, PhD. entitled In the Beginning, Compelling evidence for Creation and the Flood.